
About District

Geographical Location


  • North Latitude – 19.26 to 20.42
  • East Longitude – 77.18 to 79.98
  • Temperature (In Degree Celsius) –  Min. – 5.6, Max. – 45.6
  • Annual average rainfall (In mm.) –  911.34



  • Total Geographical Area (In Sq.K.M.) – 13582
  • Land under Forest area (In Hectors)  – 224456
  • Land under Cultivation (In Hectors)  – 1005265
  • Non Agriculture Land (In Hector)  – 77309



  • Sub Divisional Offices –  7
  • Tahsil Offices  –  16
  • Block Panchayats  –  16
  • Total Village Panchayats   – 1204 (Independent – 703, Group – 501)
  • Total Villages   – 2117 (Occupied – 1845, Non occupied – 272)

Population (In Lakh)


  • Total Population   – 20.77 (Rural – 17.20, Urban – 3.57)
  • Female and Male Population :-  Female– 10.13, Male – 10.64
  • SC and ST Population :- SC – 2.27, ST –  4.46
  • Female/Male Rate  – 951 Female per 1000 Male
  • Density of Population  – 153 Persons per Sq.K.M.
  • Total Households  – 4.22
  • BPL Households  – 1.8



  • Total Percentage  :-  57.96 (Male – 70.45, Female– 40.81)
  • State Level  Rank  – 19th

Tribal Village


  • Sub Plan Villages   – 334,   Pandharkawada (Urban)
  • Additional Sub Plan Villages –   122
  • Mada   – 160
  • Small Mada  –  22